Showing posts with label Taiji. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taiji. Show all posts


Dear Captain of the Sea Shepherd E/J Bilingual 日本語付き

 この記事は2016年ごろ、オーストラリアの捕鯨反対グループのリーダーであり、シーシェパードのキャプテンポールワトソンが日本の海洋哺乳類を守る会 のリーダー 森岡敏明さんに宛てた手紙です。その手紙の和訳を森岡さんから私、恵子髙橋オールズに依頼があり、拙い英語力で翻訳を始めたものの、ポール ワトソンの文章の表現があまりにも独特すぎるので、私の友人で英語検定講師に確認してもらいながら訳しました。また元明治大学の教授で反捕鯨家のショーン・オドワイザー氏と共同でこの記事を書き上げましたが森岡さんからたっての願いで公開を断念しました。

  This article is letter from leader of the Sea Shepherd Captain Paul Watson  to the Society for the Protection of Japanese Marine Mammals leader Mr. Toshiaki Morioka, around 2016.   At the Mr.Morioka request of translatin  it to me.
But Paul Watson's sentence expression was too unique, so I worked with my friend English test instructor. She checked my translated.
I also wrote this article in collaboration with former Meiji University professor and anti-whaling Sean Odweiser, but I gave up publishing it at the request of Mr. Morioka.  Many years have passed since then, and Mr. Morioka retired from the anti-whaling group and returned to the Japanese embassy in a certain country, so he decided to open it to the public without permission.

                                                                                       ART by Keiko Olds

I will introduce this man’s article on Protecting the Marine Mammals with a Japanese representative,
Toshiki Morioka, who has written “To Taiji Dolphin Activists, a Message to You” in my blog. 
It is available in both Japanese and English.
Also, the Sea Shepherd captain, Paul Watson wrote the replay to Mr. Morioka as an open letter. 
This is also available in both languages.
The first letter is by Mr. Morioka, 
and the second one is by Paul Watson, 
and the last one is the latest article featured in Japan Times 
by Meiji University Associate professor, Shaun O’Dwyer.


           Message to the World from Japanese Activist
                                From Action for Marine Mammals Representative
                                   Toshiaki Morioka

Dolphin protection activists who have working in Taiji has been told to "Get out of Taiji" and continues to be abused by dolphin hunting advocates and the right-wing nationalist faction. They are too unilateral to create a discussion. The fishermen deepens their confidence and pride against the Japanese dolphin release for dolphin protection activists. The fisherman cannot push away the activists because they are intrigued to accomplish their goal. Those activists do not need to listen to these abusive words. I want those whom use force to stop the fisherman whom hunt Dolphins, whole heartedly, to leave the area. 

Before I state my opinion, about the area in which the dolphin hunting occur, we have to say that they are doing the wrong thing and are making a grave mistake. In Wakayama Taiji, from Japan's agricultural view, the supply of Dolphins provides only 1/8 of the whole dolphin supply. 
(in 2012, the total number of Dolphins caught was over 16497, and out of the total, Taiji caught 2013). The Japanese dolphin hunting requires a harpoon to kill the animal. The fishermen catch the Dolphins far enough that you cannot see by a binocular. Right now, 

Dolphin hunting in Hokkaido is still being carried out. Dolphin hunting has began due to the  rapid recovery of devastated by the tsunami Tohoku region (mainly Iwate Prefecture). Dolphin hunting in Taiji is easy to be seen by the public eye from the simple reason that the massacre has created "The Cove" documentary. However, a larger tragedy is not just in Taiji but many of them are done elsewhere. We must be kept note of that fact.

Right now, a lot of dolphin protection activists gather in Taiji because of a big misunderstanding. 
Taiji's goal is not to hunt for food.
"Taiji have to hunt in order to eat" This quote is a widespread in the media and displayed as a wrong propaganda. "Protect the tradition of dolphin food" is what fisherman wants to display.

In the late 1960s, whaling in Taiji (dolphin) was very different.
The Mayor of Taiji of those days with held the name "town of whaling" to Taiji in 1969 so that tourists would come as well as opening the Taiji Whale Museum with training facilities for Dolphins. 
In order to sell the dolphin in facilities for dolphin shows in Japan and overseas, they created a training area to tame them.
Up to 2014, Taiji house a facility in which they take in wild dolphins and tame them. 

Cute, smart, and well accustomed to humans, to catch the dolphin that hears you very well, must be a motivation catch a lot of dolphins and choose one that fits that description. 
Drive Hunting's Hunting is the No. 1 best way that does not injure the dolphin. So fisherman catches a dolphin just for the aquarium and kills the remaining lot. 
And eating dolphins in Taiji, rather than the traditions and food culture, began after 1969. The catching of Dolphins was first mainly for dolphin aquariums, but the remaining Dolphins were given to the fisherman as a bonus. 
"I have eaten due to a habit".  Even if everyone is persuading fisherman and telling them to  "not eat the dolphin", people of Taiji will not stop.
This is because because the dolphins are sold for the aquarium and does not have to stop fishing.

Us, the activists, must stop the dolphin aquariums. So I need to share this with a lot of people.
We must persuade people not to buy dolphin show tickets. It is the only way.
It not a simple matter, and this does not solve the problem immediately.
The Government and intellectuals in South Korea Eliminated the the dolphin show after a long discussion with the People. 

The demonstrations that activists carry out in Taiji do not change anything. Even if the hidden camera or spying, this is the wrong course of action.  Admittedly, monitoring is a necessity, but it is no doubt you will be directed to a more worst situation. It may possibly increase fundings from the government due to low buisness.
This should be well known to dolphin protection activists.
We must fight not only Taiji, but the other 53 locations in Japan and it's Dolphinarium with more than 300 places in the world.
Because people are going to see the dolphins, they can sell dolphin.
The dolphin show is neither logical or part of culture; it is simply business.
Dolphin fishing and sales of bio-sale has been carried out using tax money. 
Therefore, dolphin conservationists and environmental protection organizations in the world must direct their effort and be committed to eliminating the dolphin show.

Action for Marine Mammals 
Representative:Toshiaki Morioka

Translated Japanese to English by Keiko and Ann Olds

                                                 海洋哺乳類を守る会 代表  森岡敏明より




1960年代後半を境に太地で捕鯨(イルカ猟)のスタイルは大きく変化している。当時の太地町長が太地を「捕鯨の町」として 町おこしの材料にしようと、1969年にイルカの馴致施設を備えた「太地町立くじらの博物館 (Taiji Whale Museum)」を開館した。馴致施設とはイルカを飼い馴らし、イルカショーのために国内及び海外の水族館に転売できるよう訓練するための施設である。2014年現在、この施設を備えイルカを飼育しているのは、世界でも太地町のみである。



海外のイルカ保護活動家が太地でデモをし、モニターをし、スパイまがいの活動をしているのは、残念ながらまったく逆効果で筋違いな活動と言わざるを得ない。確かに太地については監視も必要な側面はあるが、外野やマスコミを煽る負の効果のほうがはるかに大きく、なかんずく、税金の拠出根拠にされていることには言及せざるを得ない。このことにイルカ保護活動家であるなら無関心であってはならない。我々が向かうべきは太地ではなく、日本全国に53か所、そして世界各国に300ヶ所以上存在する水族館 (Dolphinarium)である。言うまでもないが、需要があるからこそ供給がある。イルカショーとは倫理や文化の問題ではなく、ビジネスの領域に属する問題である。イルカ猟が税金と生体販売の売上金で維持されている以上、我々イルカ保護活動家及び国内海外の環境保護団体はイルカショーのチケットを買わせない活動にリソースを集中すべきである。問題を解決するためには問題のルーツを正しく見極めなければならない。

海洋哺乳類を守る会 代表


   A Message to Toshiaki Morioka
                                           From Captain of Sea Shepherd 
                            Paul Watson 

I am sorry you feel this way, but you do not understand what the Cove Guardians are doing, if you think they are there simply to lecture Japanese fishermen.

They are not. They are there to focus international attention on the slaughter of the dolphins and when the Cove Guardians come to Taiji they are there to bring the images home to their respective countries.

Sea Shepherd is not anti-Japanese and never has been. We are pro-dolphin. We are inTaiji to support the dolphins and the truth is that these dolphins do not belong to the Japanese people. They are a nation onto themselves and the fishermen of Taiji are viciously assaulting the citizens of this nation of dolphins, killing them, capturing them, torturing them and that Toshiaki, makes what they are doing very much our business.

Are you saying that if the Cove Guardians were not in Taiji, the killing would end? I wish that were so but if the Cove Guardians leave Taiji, the only thing that will end is the continued international exposure that the Cove Guardians bring to this cruel massacre.

You say, “It is not seen as normal, legitimate or even acceptable for overseas activist groups to operate in this remote corner of Japan as if it were their own backyard.”

Yet Japanese whalers go to the Southern Ocean, to an internationally established whale sanctuary and treat this sanctuary like it is their own backyard. Tell me Toshiaki, why is it okay for Japanese whalers to treat the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary and the Australian Whale Sanctuary like it is their personal slaughterhouse, yet it is not acceptable for the Cove Guardians to bear witness and document and expose the slaughter of dolphins in Taiji?

We are not creating a Japanese puppet organization and we have no intention of doing so. We welcome the participation of Japanese citizens but we are not in Japan to create an organization, we are in Taiji to continue to focus worldwide attention on this obscenity that takes place there.

We are opposing IMATA and we are opposing the shipment of dolphins by airlines. We are opposing the slaughter of dolphins and pilot whales in the Danish Faeroe Islands and we are opposing whalers in the Southern Ocean and in the North Atlantic.

We do not give a damn about what nationality the killers are, and we never have. We have fought dolphin killing, whale killing sadistic killers worldwide from many different cultural and ethnic backgrounds and what we oppose is the hand that holds the harpoon or knife. The colour and nationality of that hand is unimportant and irrelevant.

The killers are homo sapiens and we have a responsibility to oppose any homo sapien that slaughters these intelligent and socially complex sentient beings. This is not about racism. There is only one race and that is the human race and the killers and we are of the same race. It really is between people who kill dolphins and whales and people who wish to stop the killing. It is as simply as that, and tossing accusations of racism into the issue is nothing more than a tactical way of defending the indefensible.

Before we came to Taiji in 2003 there was not a single Japanese voice opposing the slaughter. The media did not mention it and the Japanese people were oblivious to it.
That is no longer the case. We have made Taiji, this town without pity into a household word around the world, a place now considered with respect to dolphins as every bit as vile as Treblinka or Dachau were to humans.

The Japanese government receives tens of thousands of e-mails and letters every year from all around the world and that carries more weight than a few people holding up protest banners in Tokyo.

What the Japanese government responds to is “gaiatsu.” This means foreign pressure and every single piece of Japanese legislation dealing with marine conservation has been passed because of gaiatsu.

If people in Japan feel that there is rising anti-Japanese sentiment because of the slaughter of dolphins the answer is to stop slaughtering dolphins. We are not creating this anti-Japanese sentiment. It is the slaughter that is creating this animosity. We are merely exposing the horror that is the truth of Taiji. Do you wish to chastise us for being the messengers of truth. If Japan is being viewed by many with anger and even horror it is because of the slaughter, it is not because of us.

What you are asking is for us to not speak truth to power. You are asking us to draw down the curtain over Taiji so that the world will once again be blissfully ignorant of the killing.

This we will not do. We will not abandon the dolphins. Our objective is to make sure that every dolphin that dies in Taiji is killed before the eyes of the world. We cannot allow the killing to resume in silence.

You want us to view the problem from the other side through the eyes of the fishermen of Taiji. That is like asking is to view the crimes of serial killers through the eyes of the psychopaths.

Toshiaki, Have you seen the slaughter, have you heard the screams of the dolphins, have you smelt the blood in the air, have you seen the bay turn red with the blood of these beautiful creatures?

Do you really think we can simply turn our backs on these dolphins and walk away?

If we are being offensive to the fishermen it is because what they are doing is offensive to us, to decency and to our collective dignity as a species.

What has been happening in Taiji is a crime against nature and the future of humanity. We will not walk away from it and we will never abandon these dolphins.

Yes we have to stop the cruel performances by dolphinariums where these intelligent creatures are enslaved. Movies like The Cove and Blackfish have gone along way in educating people worldwide about the horror of this viciously cruel industry.

The Japanese right wing nationalists have seized on this issue to espouse their agenda of hate. As incredible as it seems, they seem to think that linking their cause to slaughter and torture is the most positive media strategy they can deploy. Oh wait, I’m sorry, I forgot that the Japanese right wing nationalist have always been aligned with slaughter, bloodshed, slavery and torture. I’m sure that many Chinese citizens would agree

The Cove Guardians are not hiding their light as you say in a remote corner of Japan. What they see and document is sent out to the entire world and people are noticing, and more so every year. Before we went to Taiji in 2003, no one, absolutely no one knew of this. Today the world is aware of it so you cannot say our efforts in Taiji have not been successful. From an educational and media position the campaign has been hugely successful.

You say there is nothing left to do at the cove that requires overseas activists. I am sorry but you are wrong. If the overseas activists leave, the opposition to this slaughter will end. The advantage that overseas activists have over Japanese activists is that the Japanese government cannot intimidate the non-Japanese activists and they have and will continue to intimidate the Japanese activists.

Our loyalty is 100% with the dolphins and we will not be intimidated into abandoning them by nationalistic indignation because of the color of our skin or the nationality of our passports. We will not submit and surrender to discrimination.

The slaughter of dolphins at Taiji must be ended. It has no place in the 21st century, no place in the civilized world and no place within any human culture. It is a cruel and remorseless senseless immoral waste of life, an obscenity that every human being should oppose if they have any self-respect for themselves as human beings.

Thank-you Toshiaki for opposing the killing. You obviously have empathy for these wonderful marine mammals and we appreciate that. We really do, but please do not presume to dismiss us on the grounds that we are not Japanese.

The dolphins are not Japanese either. They belong in those waters. It is their home and we as their defenders have every right to be at their side.

Translated English to Japanesee by Keiko Olds and LOVECAT

                   海洋哺乳類を守る会 代表 森岡敏明にメッセージ

















もし、我々が、漁師に対して、腹だたしく、不快な存在とするならば、それは、彼らが 我々と、我々の良識、そして、種としての集団的な尊厳に対してしていることが、不愉快で、無礼だからである。









                              Japanese activists 

fight against the tide to save whales and dolphins

Associate Professor in the School of Global JapaneseStudies at Meiji University
                                             Shaun O'Dwyer

It’s tough being a Japanese activist — especially if you are campaigning against whaling or dolphin hunting.

Just ask Takayo Yamaguchi, subjected to online abuse, death threats and hacking attacks since she pioneered “tweetstorm” dolphin defense campaigns on social media in Japan six months ago. Or veteran conservationist Sakae Hemmi, cofounder of ELSA Nature Conservancy in 1976, who has been questioned several times by police since she first became involved in activism against the dolphin hunts in Taiji, Wakayama Prefecture. Or Junichi Sato and Toru Suzuki, two Greenpeace Japan activists convicted of trespass and theft in 2010 after seizing a parcel of whale meat illicitly posted by a Japan scientific whaling employee, which they presented as evidence to prove allegations of embezzlement within the scientific whaling program.

Often unaware of these activists’ work, foreign opponents of Japan’s whaling and dolphin hunting wonder why there are so few Japanese critics. Something needs to be said about the obstacles Japanese activists face.

First of all, it’s difficult to resist the nationalism surrounding cetacean hunting, upheld by a mixed crowd of Fisheries Agency bureaucrats, politicians, journalists, academics and Net uyo (social media-based rightists). Even Japan Communist Party politicians have called for the protection of Japan’s whaling traditions and culinary culture. As Hemmi emphasized to me, in Japan whaling and dolphin hunting are “legal fisheries.” And the fishery business has existential and cultural importance; it’s considered essential to Japan’s food security and culinary identity, defined in part as a gyoshokubunka (marine food culture).

Accumulated resentment against decades of foreign criticism; a conviction that foreign activists and governments are threatening a key, if largely symbolic stronghold in Japanese fisheries (“once whaling falls, tuna fisheries will be next!”); and the politics of Japan’s scientific whaling boondoggle are all behind a deep “them and us” mentality promoted by Fisheries bureaucrats, politicians and pundits. It’s characterized by strident assertions of cultural difference, complaints of cultural imperialism and liberal helpings of the “eco-terrorism” slur.

The sometimes extreme tactics of foreign activist organizations and the racism of some foreign critics feed this defensive self-definition. Most Japanese rarely eat whale or dolphin meat, but they are sympathetic to complaints about arrogant foreigners trying to impose their values upon Japan.

These confrontations make life difficult for Japanese activists. Hemmi told me they “have to be very careful not to be mistaken for having a connection with Sea Shepherd,” the militant anti-whaling group founded by activist Paul Watson that hounds Japanese whaling vessels in the Southern Seas. Yamaguchi says other Japanese ask her why she doesn’t “protect Japanese from attacks by foreign activists.” She adds that “insulting the entire Japanese public (over the dolphin drive hunt in the cove in Taiji) is creating sympathy for Taiji fishermen.”

Another veteran conservationist expressed dismay at how the behavior of foreign activists has provided excuses “for the government to shut us out of talks with officials,” undermining years of patient lobbying in coalition with other conservation organizations.

Japanese activists are hardly alone in facing home-crowd animosity. Even in an anti-whaling stronghold like Australia, environmentalist and animal rights organizations are often accused of being “un-Australian” and “extremist” by powerful mining and livestock farming interests. Yet they can push back against critics in the court of public opinion, because — unlike many of their Japanese counterparts — they are often big, well-financed, well-connected NPOs.

Large donation-paying memberships and big budgets permit the hiring of numerous professional staff specializing in recruiting, lobbying and advocacy; and through these activities, such organizations can acquire credibility and leverage with politicians, industry groups, celebrities and the mass media. Expensive media-savvy campaigns allow them to influence public opinion directly.

Greenpeace Australia had 45,000 paying members in 2013, 70 full- and part-time employees and a budget of 17 million Australian dollars (¥1.5 trillion). Animals Australia, a top animal-welfare umbrella organization, claims 20,000 members, 22 full- and part-time staff and an annual budget of AU$3 million (¥278 million) in 2013.

Japan’s environmentalist and animal welfare organizations are proportionately smaller. Greenpeace Japan in 2013 had 5,000 members, 31 full- and part-time staff and a budget of ¥195 million. In the same year, the Nature Conservation Society of Japan had 25 full-time staff, 15,000 members and a budget of ¥254 million. Organizations working on campaigns against cetacean hunting are often far smaller, with one or two full-time staffers, or just a few volunteers. Then there are individuals like Yamaguchi, who works with the international Save the Blood Dolphins campaign to raise awareness of captive dolphins’ plight.

Why the disparity in scale and influence? Political scientists studying Japan’s NPO sector often invoke the Edo Period Confucian slogan “Kanson minpi” — “Revere officials and look down on the masses” — to explain the statist ideology of modern Japanese governance, which limited NPO growth until recent times.

Originating in the late 19th century and adopted from European models, this ideology put the state firmly in charge of Japan’s catch-up modernization: An elite educated bureaucracy decided economic and social goals, while industry and especially the public were expected to remain in the passenger seats. There — to paraphrase philosopher Masao Maruyama — people could easily “doze off over their rights”. Japanese statism achieved its complete form in the post-1945 era.

This statism traditionally admitted limited space for civil society groups, as political scientists like Keiko Hirata and Robert Pekannen have explained; they are ideally small, localized and cooperative with government. Activist groups don’t fit that formula easily. Though environmental movements developed in the 1960s and ’70s, they focused on “single-issue” causes and their appeal faded as most Japanese accepted government priorities on economic growth and increasing affluence.

After the 1995 Kobe earthquake, however, there was an upsurge in public support for volunteerism, just when faith in bureaucratic competence was also falling. Public pressure led to passage of an NPO law in 1998 that substantially lowered the financial requirements for NPO registration, established wide criteria for organizations to register under and streamlined their bureaucratic supervision.

Since the March 11, 2011, Tohoku disasters, registered volunteer NPOs have really come into their own (including one that this author co-directs). However, activist organizations still face statist prejudices and bureaucratic bias, especially when they are involved with push-button nationalist issues such as whaling and dolphin hunting — as Greenpeace Japan found, to its cost.

Many such organizations avoid NPO registration, in spite of the fund-raising status, enhanced prestige and (sometimes) tax deductibility it confers. Since 2010 Greenpeace Japan has been registered as a “general incorporated association.” This, Junichi Sato told me, is a “legal status with much more flexibility,” which also satisfies Greenpeace’s desire “to be independent from influences of authority.”

Hemmi said that ELSA didn’t apply for NPO registration because it didn’t want to be subjected to bureaucratic regulation. Other activists said that registration was too much trouble, or that Japanese groups campaigning against cetacean hunts are often too small and divided by factional rivalry to qualify for NPO registration anyway.

Skeptical readers might think that there is nothing wrong with this state of affairs. Large, cashed-up advocacy NPOs can have a distorting influence on government policy out of all proportion to their membership bases. After all, America’s National Rifle Association is also an NPO! And if Japanese anti-whaling and anti-dolphin hunting activists can’t change the minds of their fellow Japanese, then so be it.

There is another view, however, which sees activist organizations as a potentially powerful but loyal opposition, countering the outsize influence of the Japan Fisheries Agency and whaling nationalism in shaping policy, diplomacy and public opinion about whaling, dolphin hunting and fisheries.

In such a role, these groups could bring to the Japanese public’s notice problems with transparency, waste and scientific credibility in the “research whaling” program, air questions about mercury contamination in cetacean meat and promote economic alternatives for the declining fishing towns involved in whaling and dolphin hunting.

Most of all, they could mobilize the public to push the Japan Fisheries Agency and its political allies away from whaling nationalism and toward pro-active commitment to fisheries conservation, at home and on the high seas, in collaboration with other governments and NPOs.

“To me, protecting dolphins means protecting the ocean, and protecting the ocean means protecting us,” says Yamaguchi, summing up her holistic vision. “It’s not only because dolphins are pretty”.

To achieve those goals, and to get themselves heard above the confrontations between the Japanese government and foreign activist organizations, Japanese activist groups will need to pull together and acquire more finances, size and domestic and international influence. For their part, foreign activists should ease off the confrontation tactics and provide more resources, advice and moral support to Japanese activists instead.

Shaun O’Dwyer is an associate professor in the School of Global Japanese Studies, Meiji University, and a co-director of the It’s Not Just Mud NPO. Foreign Agenda offers a forum for opinion about issues related to life in Japan. Comments and story ideas:




                                                                   明治大学国際日本学部 准教授                              













日本の環境保護団体や動物福祉団体は、人口が多い割に規模が小さい。グリーンピース・ジャパンは2013年度は5,000人の会員がおり、31人の職員、予算は1億9,500万円、同年の日本自然保護協会は15,000人の会員で、25人の職員、予算が2億5,400万円だ。イルカ漁や捕鯨に対する活動を行う団体はこれよりもずっと小さく、一人か二人のスタッフや数人のボランティアがいるくらいだ。そして山口さんのように個人でSave the Blood Dolphins の活動に協力して、イルカ、シャチなど捕獲の悲しい現状を伝えようとする人たちがいるという現状だ。


19世紀後半に伝来し、ヨーロッパをモデルとして採用したこのイデオロギーは日本が近代化する中で定着した。エリート教育を受けた官僚が、経済や社会の目標を決め、政策を行い、産業界やとりわけ大衆は主導権を行使しない立場にしていいと考えられたものだった。哲学者の丸山眞男氏がいうところの、「権利の上に眠る者」に人々はいとも簡単になってしまう。(*権利に甘んじて安心し、行動を起こさないうちにその権利すら失うという意味だ。) 日本の国家主義は、1945年以降にその完全な形となった。












 ショーン・オドワイヤー 明治大学国際日本学部 准教授、It’s Not Just Mud NPO法人理事 

This Japanese article has been published by Ceta Journal

Translation English to Japanese  by Ceta Journal日本の活動家が挑む大波/

Thank you CATAGORY JOURNAL           



Left photo : Secretary General Junichi Sato of Green Peace Japan


Middle photo : 2014 Anti-Whaling Demonstration in Tokyo/Action for Marine Mammals


Right photo : Anti-Dolphin Hunt Activist Takayo Yamaguchi



                                                          2.25.2015 On-Air TBS Broadcasting IN JAPAN 

                                   Mystery of the foreign peaple in a quiet fishing village. 

                                           Anti-whaling group "Sea Shepherd"

                                           TBS 放送 静かな漁村に謎の外国人集団 反捕鯨団体「シーシェパード」





Dear Captain of the Sea Shepherd E/J Bilingual 日本語付き

 この記事は2016年ごろ、オーストラリアの捕鯨反対グループのリーダーであり、シーシェパードのキャプテンポールワトソンが日本の海洋哺乳類を守る会 のリーダー 森岡敏明さんに宛てた手紙です。その手紙の和訳を森岡さんから私、恵子髙橋オールズに依頼があり、拙い英語力で翻訳を始めたものの、ポール ワトソンの文章の表現があまりにも独特すぎるので、私の友人で英語検定講師に確認してもらいながら訳しました。また元明治大学の教授で反捕鯨家のショーン・オドワイザー氏と共同でこの記事を書き上げましたが森岡さんからたっての願いで公開を断念しました。

  This article is letter from leader of the Sea Shepherd Captain Paul Watson  to the Society for the Protection of Japanese Marine Mammals leader Mr. Toshiaki Morioka, around 2016.   At the Mr.Morioka request of translatin  it to me.
But Paul Watson's sentence expression was too unique, so I worked with my friend English test instructor. She checked my translated.
I also wrote this article in collaboration with former Meiji University professor and anti-whaling Sean Odweiser, but I gave up publishing it at the request of Mr. Morioka.  Many years have passed since then, and Mr. Morioka retired from the anti-whaling group and returned to the Japanese embassy in a certain country, so he decided to open it to the public without permission.

                                                                                       ART by Keiko Olds

I will introduce this man’s article on Protecting the Marine Mammals with a Japanese representative,
Toshiki Morioka, who has written “To Taiji Dolphin Activists, a Message to You” in my blog. 
It is available in both Japanese and English.
Also, the Sea Shepherd captain, Paul Watson wrote the replay to Mr. Morioka as an open letter. 
This is also available in both languages.
The first letter is by Mr. Morioka, 
and the second one is by Paul Watson, 
and the last one is the latest article featured in Japan Times 
by Meiji University Associate professor, Shaun O’Dwyer.


           Message to the World from Japanese Activist
                                From Action for Marine Mammals Representative
                                   Toshiaki Morioka

Dolphin protection activists who have working in Taiji has been told to "Get out of Taiji" and continues to be abused by dolphin hunting advocates and the right-wing nationalist faction. They are too unilateral to create a discussion. The fishermen deepens their confidence and pride against the Japanese dolphin release for dolphin protection activists. The fisherman cannot push away the activists because they are intrigued to accomplish their goal. Those activists do not need to listen to these abusive words. I want those whom use force to stop the fisherman whom hunt Dolphins, whole heartedly, to leave the area. 

Before I state my opinion, about the area in which the dolphin hunting occur, we have to say that they are doing the wrong thing and are making a grave mistake. In Wakayama Taiji, from Japan's agricultural view, the supply of Dolphins provides only 1/8 of the whole dolphin supply. 
(in 2012, the total number of Dolphins caught was over 16497, and out of the total, Taiji caught 2013). The Japanese dolphin hunting requires a harpoon to kill the animal. The fishermen catch the Dolphins far enough that you cannot see by a binocular. Right now, 

Dolphin hunting in Hokkaido is still being carried out. Dolphin hunting has began due to the  rapid recovery of devastated by the tsunami Tohoku region (mainly Iwate Prefecture). Dolphin hunting in Taiji is easy to be seen by the public eye from the simple reason that the massacre has created "The Cove" documentary. However, a larger tragedy is not just in Taiji but many of them are done elsewhere. We must be kept note of that fact.

Right now, a lot of dolphin protection activists gather in Taiji because of a big misunderstanding. 
Taiji's goal is not to hunt for food.
"Taiji have to hunt in order to eat" This quote is a widespread in the media and displayed as a wrong propaganda. "Protect the tradition of dolphin food" is what fisherman wants to display.

In the late 1960s, whaling in Taiji (dolphin) was very different.
The Mayor of Taiji of those days with held the name "town of whaling" to Taiji in 1969 so that tourists would come as well as opening the Taiji Whale Museum with training facilities for Dolphins. 
In order to sell the dolphin in facilities for dolphin shows in Japan and overseas, they created a training area to tame them.
Up to 2014, Taiji house a facility in which they take in wild dolphins and tame them. 

Cute, smart, and well accustomed to humans, to catch the dolphin that hears you very well, must be a motivation catch a lot of dolphins and choose one that fits that description. 
Drive Hunting's Hunting is the No. 1 best way that does not injure the dolphin. So fisherman catches a dolphin just for the aquarium and kills the remaining lot. 
And eating dolphins in Taiji, rather than the traditions and food culture, began after 1969. The catching of Dolphins was first mainly for dolphin aquariums, but the remaining Dolphins were given to the fisherman as a bonus. 
"I have eaten due to a habit".  Even if everyone is persuading fisherman and telling them to  "not eat the dolphin", people of Taiji will not stop.
This is because because the dolphins are sold for the aquarium and does not have to stop fishing.

Us, the activists, must stop the dolphin aquariums. So I need to share this with a lot of people.
We must persuade people not to buy dolphin show tickets. It is the only way.
It not a simple matter, and this does not solve the problem immediately.
The Government and intellectuals in South Korea Eliminated the the dolphin show after a long discussion with the People. 

The demonstrations that activists carry out in Taiji do not change anything. Even if the hidden camera or spying, this is the wrong course of action.  Admittedly, monitoring is a necessity, but it is no doubt you will be directed to a more worst situation. It may possibly increase fundings from the government due to low buisness.
This should be well known to dolphin protection activists.
We must fight not only Taiji, but the other 53 locations in Japan and it's Dolphinarium with more than 300 places in the world.
Because people are going to see the dolphins, they can sell dolphin.
The dolphin show is neither logical or part of culture; it is simply business.
Dolphin fishing and sales of bio-sale has been carried out using tax money. 
Therefore, dolphin conservationists and environmental protection organizations in the world must direct their effort and be committed to eliminating the dolphin show.

Action for Marine Mammals 
Representative:Toshiaki Morioka

Translated Japanese to English by Keiko and Ann Olds

                                                 海洋哺乳類を守る会 代表  森岡敏明より




1960年代後半を境に太地で捕鯨(イルカ猟)のスタイルは大きく変化している。当時の太地町長が太地を「捕鯨の町」として 町おこしの材料にしようと、1969年にイルカの馴致施設を備えた「太地町立くじらの博物館 (Taiji Whale Museum)」を開館した。馴致施設とはイルカを飼い馴らし、イルカショーのために国内及び海外の水族館に転売できるよう訓練するための施設である。2014年現在、この施設を備えイルカを飼育しているのは、世界でも太地町のみである。



海外のイルカ保護活動家が太地でデモをし、モニターをし、スパイまがいの活動をしているのは、残念ながらまったく逆効果で筋違いな活動と言わざるを得ない。確かに太地については監視も必要な側面はあるが、外野やマスコミを煽る負の効果のほうがはるかに大きく、なかんずく、税金の拠出根拠にされていることには言及せざるを得ない。このことにイルカ保護活動家であるなら無関心であってはならない。我々が向かうべきは太地ではなく、日本全国に53か所、そして世界各国に300ヶ所以上存在する水族館 (Dolphinarium)である。言うまでもないが、需要があるからこそ供給がある。イルカショーとは倫理や文化の問題ではなく、ビジネスの領域に属する問題である。イルカ猟が税金と生体販売の売上金で維持されている以上、我々イルカ保護活動家及び国内海外の環境保護団体はイルカショーのチケットを買わせない活動にリソースを集中すべきである。問題を解決するためには問題のルーツを正しく見極めなければならない。

海洋哺乳類を守る会 代表


   A Message to Toshiaki Morioka
                                           From Captain of Sea Shepherd 
                            Paul Watson 

I am sorry you feel this way, but you do not understand what the Cove Guardians are doing, if you think they are there simply to lecture Japanese fishermen.

They are not. They are there to focus international attention on the slaughter of the dolphins and when the Cove Guardians come to Taiji they are there to bring the images home to their respective countries.

Sea Shepherd is not anti-Japanese and never has been. We are pro-dolphin. We are inTaiji to support the dolphins and the truth is that these dolphins do not belong to the Japanese people. They are a nation onto themselves and the fishermen of Taiji are viciously assaulting the citizens of this nation of dolphins, killing them, capturing them, torturing them and that Toshiaki, makes what they are doing very much our business.

Are you saying that if the Cove Guardians were not in Taiji, the killing would end? I wish that were so but if the Cove Guardians leave Taiji, the only thing that will end is the continued international exposure that the Cove Guardians bring to this cruel massacre.

You say, “It is not seen as normal, legitimate or even acceptable for overseas activist groups to operate in this remote corner of Japan as if it were their own backyard.”

Yet Japanese whalers go to the Southern Ocean, to an internationally established whale sanctuary and treat this sanctuary like it is their own backyard. Tell me Toshiaki, why is it okay for Japanese whalers to treat the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary and the Australian Whale Sanctuary like it is their personal slaughterhouse, yet it is not acceptable for the Cove Guardians to bear witness and document and expose the slaughter of dolphins in Taiji?

We are not creating a Japanese puppet organization and we have no intention of doing so. We welcome the participation of Japanese citizens but we are not in Japan to create an organization, we are in Taiji to continue to focus worldwide attention on this obscenity that takes place there.

We are opposing IMATA and we are opposing the shipment of dolphins by airlines. We are opposing the slaughter of dolphins and pilot whales in the Danish Faeroe Islands and we are opposing whalers in the Southern Ocean and in the North Atlantic.

We do not give a damn about what nationality the killers are, and we never have. We have fought dolphin killing, whale killing sadistic killers worldwide from many different cultural and ethnic backgrounds and what we oppose is the hand that holds the harpoon or knife. The colour and nationality of that hand is unimportant and irrelevant.

The killers are homo sapiens and we have a responsibility to oppose any homo sapien that slaughters these intelligent and socially complex sentient beings. This is not about racism. There is only one race and that is the human race and the killers and we are of the same race. It really is between people who kill dolphins and whales and people who wish to stop the killing. It is as simply as that, and tossing accusations of racism into the issue is nothing more than a tactical way of defending the indefensible.

Before we came to Taiji in 2003 there was not a single Japanese voice opposing the slaughter. The media did not mention it and the Japanese people were oblivious to it.
That is no longer the case. We have made Taiji, this town without pity into a household word around the world, a place now considered with respect to dolphins as every bit as vile as Treblinka or Dachau were to humans.

The Japanese government receives tens of thousands of e-mails and letters every year from all around the world and that carries more weight than a few people holding up protest banners in Tokyo.

What the Japanese government responds to is “gaiatsu.” This means foreign pressure and every single piece of Japanese legislation dealing with marine conservation has been passed because of gaiatsu.

If people in Japan feel that there is rising anti-Japanese sentiment because of the slaughter of dolphins the answer is to stop slaughtering dolphins. We are not creating this anti-Japanese sentiment. It is the slaughter that is creating this animosity. We are merely exposing the horror that is the truth of Taiji. Do you wish to chastise us for being the messengers of truth. If Japan is being viewed by many with anger and even horror it is because of the slaughter, it is not because of us.

What you are asking is for us to not speak truth to power. You are asking us to draw down the curtain over Taiji so that the world will once again be blissfully ignorant of the killing.

This we will not do. We will not abandon the dolphins. Our objective is to make sure that every dolphin that dies in Taiji is killed before the eyes of the world. We cannot allow the killing to resume in silence.

You want us to view the problem from the other side through the eyes of the fishermen of Taiji. That is like asking is to view the crimes of serial killers through the eyes of the psychopaths.

Toshiaki, Have you seen the slaughter, have you heard the screams of the dolphins, have you smelt the blood in the air, have you seen the bay turn red with the blood of these beautiful creatures?

Do you really think we can simply turn our backs on these dolphins and walk away?

If we are being offensive to the fishermen it is because what they are doing is offensive to us, to decency and to our collective dignity as a species.

What has been happening in Taiji is a crime against nature and the future of humanity. We will not walk away from it and we will never abandon these dolphins.

Yes we have to stop the cruel performances by dolphinariums where these intelligent creatures are enslaved. Movies like The Cove and Blackfish have gone along way in educating people worldwide about the horror of this viciously cruel industry.

The Japanese right wing nationalists have seized on this issue to espouse their agenda of hate. As incredible as it seems, they seem to think that linking their cause to slaughter and torture is the most positive media strategy they can deploy. Oh wait, I’m sorry, I forgot that the Japanese right wing nationalist have always been aligned with slaughter, bloodshed, slavery and torture. I’m sure that many Chinese citizens would agree

The Cove Guardians are not hiding their light as you say in a remote corner of Japan. What they see and document is sent out to the entire world and people are noticing, and more so every year. Before we went to Taiji in 2003, no one, absolutely no one knew of this. Today the world is aware of it so you cannot say our efforts in Taiji have not been successful. From an educational and media position the campaign has been hugely successful.

You say there is nothing left to do at the cove that requires overseas activists. I am sorry but you are wrong. If the overseas activists leave, the opposition to this slaughter will end. The advantage that overseas activists have over Japanese activists is that the Japanese government cannot intimidate the non-Japanese activists and they have and will continue to intimidate the Japanese activists.

Our loyalty is 100% with the dolphins and we will not be intimidated into abandoning them by nationalistic indignation because of the color of our skin or the nationality of our passports. We will not submit and surrender to discrimination.

The slaughter of dolphins at Taiji must be ended. It has no place in the 21st century, no place in the civilized world and no place within any human culture. It is a cruel and remorseless senseless immoral waste of life, an obscenity that every human being should oppose if they have any self-respect for themselves as human beings.

Thank-you Toshiaki for opposing the killing. You obviously have empathy for these wonderful marine mammals and we appreciate that. We really do, but please do not presume to dismiss us on the grounds that we are not Japanese.

The dolphins are not Japanese either. They belong in those waters. It is their home and we as their defenders have every right to be at their side.

Translated English to Japanesee by Keiko Olds and LOVECAT

                   海洋哺乳類を守る会 代表 森岡敏明にメッセージ

















もし、我々が、漁師に対して、腹だたしく、不快な存在とするならば、それは、彼らが 我々と、我々の良識、そして、種としての集団的な尊厳に対してしていることが、不愉快で、無礼だからである。









                              Japanese activists 

fight against the tide to save whales and dolphins

Associate Professor in the School of Global JapaneseStudies at Meiji University
                                             Shaun O'Dwyer

It’s tough being a Japanese activist — especially if you are campaigning against whaling or dolphin hunting.

Just ask Takayo Yamaguchi, subjected to online abuse, death threats and hacking attacks since she pioneered “tweetstorm” dolphin defense campaigns on social media in Japan six months ago. Or veteran conservationist Sakae Hemmi, cofounder of ELSA Nature Conservancy in 1976, who has been questioned several times by police since she first became involved in activism against the dolphin hunts in Taiji, Wakayama Prefecture. Or Junichi Sato and Toru Suzuki, two Greenpeace Japan activists convicted of trespass and theft in 2010 after seizing a parcel of whale meat illicitly posted by a Japan scientific whaling employee, which they presented as evidence to prove allegations of embezzlement within the scientific whaling program.

Often unaware of these activists’ work, foreign opponents of Japan’s whaling and dolphin hunting wonder why there are so few Japanese critics. Something needs to be said about the obstacles Japanese activists face.

First of all, it’s difficult to resist the nationalism surrounding cetacean hunting, upheld by a mixed crowd of Fisheries Agency bureaucrats, politicians, journalists, academics and Net uyo (social media-based rightists). Even Japan Communist Party politicians have called for the protection of Japan’s whaling traditions and culinary culture. As Hemmi emphasized to me, in Japan whaling and dolphin hunting are “legal fisheries.” And the fishery business has existential and cultural importance; it’s considered essential to Japan’s food security and culinary identity, defined in part as a gyoshokubunka (marine food culture).

Accumulated resentment against decades of foreign criticism; a conviction that foreign activists and governments are threatening a key, if largely symbolic stronghold in Japanese fisheries (“once whaling falls, tuna fisheries will be next!”); and the politics of Japan’s scientific whaling boondoggle are all behind a deep “them and us” mentality promoted by Fisheries bureaucrats, politicians and pundits. It’s characterized by strident assertions of cultural difference, complaints of cultural imperialism and liberal helpings of the “eco-terrorism” slur.

The sometimes extreme tactics of foreign activist organizations and the racism of some foreign critics feed this defensive self-definition. Most Japanese rarely eat whale or dolphin meat, but they are sympathetic to complaints about arrogant foreigners trying to impose their values upon Japan.

These confrontations make life difficult for Japanese activists. Hemmi told me they “have to be very careful not to be mistaken for having a connection with Sea Shepherd,” the militant anti-whaling group founded by activist Paul Watson that hounds Japanese whaling vessels in the Southern Seas. Yamaguchi says other Japanese ask her why she doesn’t “protect Japanese from attacks by foreign activists.” She adds that “insulting the entire Japanese public (over the dolphin drive hunt in the cove in Taiji) is creating sympathy for Taiji fishermen.”

Another veteran conservationist expressed dismay at how the behavior of foreign activists has provided excuses “for the government to shut us out of talks with officials,” undermining years of patient lobbying in coalition with other conservation organizations.

Japanese activists are hardly alone in facing home-crowd animosity. Even in an anti-whaling stronghold like Australia, environmentalist and animal rights organizations are often accused of being “un-Australian” and “extremist” by powerful mining and livestock farming interests. Yet they can push back against critics in the court of public opinion, because — unlike many of their Japanese counterparts — they are often big, well-financed, well-connected NPOs.

Large donation-paying memberships and big budgets permit the hiring of numerous professional staff specializing in recruiting, lobbying and advocacy; and through these activities, such organizations can acquire credibility and leverage with politicians, industry groups, celebrities and the mass media. Expensive media-savvy campaigns allow them to influence public opinion directly.

Greenpeace Australia had 45,000 paying members in 2013, 70 full- and part-time employees and a budget of 17 million Australian dollars (¥1.5 trillion). Animals Australia, a top animal-welfare umbrella organization, claims 20,000 members, 22 full- and part-time staff and an annual budget of AU$3 million (¥278 million) in 2013.

Japan’s environmentalist and animal welfare organizations are proportionately smaller. Greenpeace Japan in 2013 had 5,000 members, 31 full- and part-time staff and a budget of ¥195 million. In the same year, the Nature Conservation Society of Japan had 25 full-time staff, 15,000 members and a budget of ¥254 million. Organizations working on campaigns against cetacean hunting are often far smaller, with one or two full-time staffers, or just a few volunteers. Then there are individuals like Yamaguchi, who works with the international Save the Blood Dolphins campaign to raise awareness of captive dolphins’ plight.

Why the disparity in scale and influence? Political scientists studying Japan’s NPO sector often invoke the Edo Period Confucian slogan “Kanson minpi” — “Revere officials and look down on the masses” — to explain the statist ideology of modern Japanese governance, which limited NPO growth until recent times.

Originating in the late 19th century and adopted from European models, this ideology put the state firmly in charge of Japan’s catch-up modernization: An elite educated bureaucracy decided economic and social goals, while industry and especially the public were expected to remain in the passenger seats. There — to paraphrase philosopher Masao Maruyama — people could easily “doze off over their rights”. Japanese statism achieved its complete form in the post-1945 era.

This statism traditionally admitted limited space for civil society groups, as political scientists like Keiko Hirata and Robert Pekannen have explained; they are ideally small, localized and cooperative with government. Activist groups don’t fit that formula easily. Though environmental movements developed in the 1960s and ’70s, they focused on “single-issue” causes and their appeal faded as most Japanese accepted government priorities on economic growth and increasing affluence.

After the 1995 Kobe earthquake, however, there was an upsurge in public support for volunteerism, just when faith in bureaucratic competence was also falling. Public pressure led to passage of an NPO law in 1998 that substantially lowered the financial requirements for NPO registration, established wide criteria for organizations to register under and streamlined their bureaucratic supervision.

Since the March 11, 2011, Tohoku disasters, registered volunteer NPOs have really come into their own (including one that this author co-directs). However, activist organizations still face statist prejudices and bureaucratic bias, especially when they are involved with push-button nationalist issues such as whaling and dolphin hunting — as Greenpeace Japan found, to its cost.

Many such organizations avoid NPO registration, in spite of the fund-raising status, enhanced prestige and (sometimes) tax deductibility it confers. Since 2010 Greenpeace Japan has been registered as a “general incorporated association.” This, Junichi Sato told me, is a “legal status with much more flexibility,” which also satisfies Greenpeace’s desire “to be independent from influences of authority.”

Hemmi said that ELSA didn’t apply for NPO registration because it didn’t want to be subjected to bureaucratic regulation. Other activists said that registration was too much trouble, or that Japanese groups campaigning against cetacean hunts are often too small and divided by factional rivalry to qualify for NPO registration anyway.

Skeptical readers might think that there is nothing wrong with this state of affairs. Large, cashed-up advocacy NPOs can have a distorting influence on government policy out of all proportion to their membership bases. After all, America’s National Rifle Association is also an NPO! And if Japanese anti-whaling and anti-dolphin hunting activists can’t change the minds of their fellow Japanese, then so be it.

There is another view, however, which sees activist organizations as a potentially powerful but loyal opposition, countering the outsize influence of the Japan Fisheries Agency and whaling nationalism in shaping policy, diplomacy and public opinion about whaling, dolphin hunting and fisheries.

In such a role, these groups could bring to the Japanese public’s notice problems with transparency, waste and scientific credibility in the “research whaling” program, air questions about mercury contamination in cetacean meat and promote economic alternatives for the declining fishing towns involved in whaling and dolphin hunting.

Most of all, they could mobilize the public to push the Japan Fisheries Agency and its political allies away from whaling nationalism and toward pro-active commitment to fisheries conservation, at home and on the high seas, in collaboration with other governments and NPOs.

“To me, protecting dolphins means protecting the ocean, and protecting the ocean means protecting us,” says Yamaguchi, summing up her holistic vision. “It’s not only because dolphins are pretty”.

To achieve those goals, and to get themselves heard above the confrontations between the Japanese government and foreign activist organizations, Japanese activist groups will need to pull together and acquire more finances, size and domestic and international influence. For their part, foreign activists should ease off the confrontation tactics and provide more resources, advice and moral support to Japanese activists instead.

Shaun O’Dwyer is an associate professor in the School of Global Japanese Studies, Meiji University, and a co-director of the It’s Not Just Mud NPO. Foreign Agenda offers a forum for opinion about issues related to life in Japan. Comments and story ideas:




                                                                   明治大学国際日本学部 准教授                              













日本の環境保護団体や動物福祉団体は、人口が多い割に規模が小さい。グリーンピース・ジャパンは2013年度は5,000人の会員がおり、31人の職員、予算は1億9,500万円、同年の日本自然保護協会は15,000人の会員で、25人の職員、予算が2億5,400万円だ。イルカ漁や捕鯨に対する活動を行う団体はこれよりもずっと小さく、一人か二人のスタッフや数人のボランティアがいるくらいだ。そして山口さんのように個人でSave the Blood Dolphins の活動に協力して、イルカ、シャチなど捕獲の悲しい現状を伝えようとする人たちがいるという現状だ。


19世紀後半に伝来し、ヨーロッパをモデルとして採用したこのイデオロギーは日本が近代化する中で定着した。エリート教育を受けた官僚が、経済や社会の目標を決め、政策を行い、産業界やとりわけ大衆は主導権を行使しない立場にしていいと考えられたものだった。哲学者の丸山眞男氏がいうところの、「権利の上に眠る者」に人々はいとも簡単になってしまう。(*権利に甘んじて安心し、行動を起こさないうちにその権利すら失うという意味だ。) 日本の国家主義は、1945年以降にその完全な形となった。












 ショーン・オドワイヤー 明治大学国際日本学部 准教授、It’s Not Just Mud NPO法人理事 

This Japanese article has been published by Ceta Journal

Translation English to Japanese  by Ceta Journal日本の活動家が挑む大波/

Thank you CATAGORY JOURNAL           



Left photo : Secretary General Junichi Sato of Green Peace Japan


Middle photo : 2014 Anti-Whaling Demonstration in Tokyo/Action for Marine Mammals


Right photo : Anti-Dolphin Hunt Activist Takayo Yamaguchi



                                                          2.25.2015 On-Air TBS Broadcasting IN JAPAN 

                                   Mystery of the foreign peaple in a quiet fishing village. 

                                           Anti-whaling group "Sea Shepherd"

                                           TBS 放送 静かな漁村に謎の外国人集団 反捕鯨団体「シーシェパード」


